Monday, January 16, 2012


My entire life I've heard my mom say things like isn't it great to sleep in?  Isn't it nice to just lay in bed and enjoy?  Yes... it was great for her, but she was working many many hours a day and didn't get to have a full night sleep ofter.  If I don't need to be up to go somewhere I tend to sleep till 11.  Even if I wake up at 7am feeling refreshed.  I see the clock... It's 7 am ...I should enjoy my bed a bit longer and head back to sleep so effortlessly. I wake a few hours feeling like crap.  Over sleeping is just as bad as under sleeping.  You get tired and lazy and crave sleep, even though you had plenty.  I'm setting a short term goal for this week to wake up at 8:15 and at least get out of bed, have a glass of water, and brush my teeth.  If I'm still feeling exhausted  I can go back to sleep.  But I need to work on this!  Oh yes, my new mantra will be... Isn't it a great morning!  Isn't it nice to enjoy the day? 

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