Another year goes by... Have yet to accomplish the goals I have set for better mornings. Why I ask myself and the excuses flow like a Hawaiian volcano. Why? Why do I let the power lay in these excuses? I know that I am the sole creator of my reality. I can say no tot he fries and yes to the apples. I can set an alarm and wake up in the morning. Once again I shall strive for feeling good in the mornings. To scratch that hangover feeling when the alarm goes off, even when not a drop of alcohol has touched my lips... why does my head pound? I know that I must take control. I need a plan and to just stick with it. I avoid planning at all costs. Perhaps I have to sit down and make a make a plan and stick with it.
Here goes my goals for 2013:
Keep up with knowing myself
Proposed and defend my comps Spring 2012
Propose and complete my minor Spring 2013
Propose Dissertation Summer 2013
Collect data Fall 2013
Make business cards for stress management consultation
Make website for stress management consultation
Eat more veggies
Love myself
Make choices that I will be happy with in the morning
follow my schedule and to do list
Be the best girlfreind I can be
Whoooo that is it for now :)